Leave 10 South Sound
Imagine a community where everyone thrives.
Imagine if we all left 10% to the causes we care most about.
Imagine the difference and the opportunities for all of us.
Just imagine.
Leave 10 South Sound is a movement created by local donors, nonprofits, and professional advisors to educate, encourage and inspire people in the South Puget Sound region to leave at least 10% of their estates to charity.
As a South Sound resident, you have the power to make a lasting, transformational impact in our communities. Leaving just 10% of your estate to your preferred causes can help provide more affordable housing, equitable educational opportunities, robust social services, animal protection, accessible arts and culture, programs for the environment and protected areas, and more.
Your vision for the South Sound can become reality.
For Individuals
As a South Sound resident, you have the power to make a lasting, transformational impact in our communities. Leaving just 10% of your assets to your favorite causes can help provide more affordable housing, equitable educational opportunities, robust social services, animal welfare, accessible arts and culture, environmental protection and conservation, and more.
Become a Leave 10 Champion, it will make a difference in our community.
For Nonprofits
Become a Leave 10 Champion and join other nonprofits in recognizing that the health of our organizations and the South Sound region depends on all of us working together. We’ve provided tools, resources, and education to help start or enhance your planned giving program, allowing you to attract larger, sustaining gifts that will enable you to do more for the communities you serve.
Let’s make the South Sound a stronger, more vibrant community.
For Professional Advisors
Your clients need information, encouragement, and the expertise of professional advisors to guide them in making charitable gifts to causes that are closest to their hearts. We’ll help you find the tools and resources to help you with those important conversations and connect you to nonprofit organizations and community foundations to help you meet your clients’ philanthropic objectives.
Become a Champion – together we can truly change the world for generations to come.

I want to be my best and do my best, to be useful, to serve, and to thrive for the benefit of others and this world. When I’m gone, I want my efforts to continue as long as possible from what I was able to leave behind. This is why I decided to Leave 10. With thoughtful plans made today, I’ll hopefully have done my best to make this world a better place for others when I’m gone.

I leave 10 percent of my estate to increase the leadership of diverse communities, nonprofits and the youth of our community. I value the grit, gifts and talents of this community and I entrust my investment in organizations to strategically advance the heart of our community for our community and by our community.

The spirit of caring is what makes for a great community. It is that spirit that moves us to invest our time, talent, and treasure in supporting the causes we care about – not only for the present, but for the future. Our hope is that others will join us in embracing the Leave 10 movement and make a meaningful gift through their estate plans to support their charitable passions. It is an investment in the future vibrancy of our community we can all get behind.

We are very encouraged to see the generosity of our community. For those of us who have the capacity it is a joy and a shared responsibility to provide tail winds to those who might not have the same opportunities we’ve experienced. We applaud the Leave 10 initiative and look forward to passing along the majority of our estate to others. So many work hard to serve the diverse needs of our neighbors and we are honored to be of assistance. Our deep appreciation and thanks to those on the front lines.
© Leave 10 South Sound. All Rights Reserved