Donor Testimonials

“Investing in the non-profit sector has been a rewarding part of my life – and I know both my community and my business are stronger today because of it. Joining with others to explore ways we can make our communities thrive today and long after I’m gone just makes sense!”

“My wife and I have spent the majority of our careers working in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, so when it came to our will — the choice to support the causes about which we care was simple. What wasn’t so simple, was figuring out an estate plan that worked for our young (two professionals under the age of 40 with two young children and one on the way) family. The expectation is so often that people can’t or don’t begin to plan for giving in their estate plans until they near retirement age or become empty nesters. But in working with our professional advisor we were able to develop a plan that would ensure the necessary care of our children while honoring the work of the causes we care about deeply. We’re thrilled to Leave 10 and hope others in a similar situation will consider it as well.”

“There are several public charities that have enriched my life and the lives of my family members – from artistic organizations that provide cultural experiences to health organizations that conduct research on conditions affecting us and service organizations that provide important help to others. We want to help ensure that these organizations are able to continue the important work that they do far into the future.”